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Strength Training is Not Just for Adults: 5 Benefits for Kids and Teens

5 Benefits for Kids and Teens

Strength training often gets associated with adults and hardcore athletes. However, incorporating regular resistance exercise during youth provides immense lifelong health and wellness benefits. This article shares the top reasons families should prioritize strength training for teenage and young adult development.

1. Strength Training Builds a Crucial Foundation

During pivotal years of growth and maturation, strength training delivers essential stimuli for proper bone, joint, muscle and connective tissue development. Lifting weights triggers vital chemical and hormonal responses in the body to support alignment, mobility and metabolism into adulthood.

2. It Supports Healthy Body Composition

Many teens seek an athletic, lean physique. Strength training builds muscle mass which elevates your resting metabolism to burn extra calories and fat – especially in the midsection. Compared to cardio alone, resistance training proves more effective for fat loss and sculpting the body during maturity when hormone changes distribute weight differently.

3. Regular Strength Training Reduces Injury Risk

Studies confirm young athletes who lift weights at least twice weekly suffer less sports-related injuries. Resistance training strengthens joint-stabilizing muscles and connective tissues to prevent trauma. It also corrects muscle imbalances or posture issues that set up vulnerability. Consider it essential protective “insurance!”

In addition to physical benefits, strength training boosts mental strength and resilience during the often difficult teen years. Establishing training habits early creates positive lifelong wellness practices.

To explore our favorite strength programming for youth athletes, visit our classes on our website. Book now!